
Back to the Future Pt. 1

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OneWingedMuse's avatar

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AN:// Before we start, I'd like to defend myself now. I think was just thinking in terms of a time traveling story and not so much that they needed to get back to the future or they were going back to the future again. So I am well aware that the title makes no sense. The last one wasn't exactly a winner either.

This is an old fanfiction I wrote while I was in middle school. That's about ten years or so ago. I rediscovered it a little while ago- and as a joke I posted it in increments along with commentary from present day me. Well the first story I posted was so well received that I decided to post another. This one is considerably longer than the last one and needed to be posted in two separate parts.

You can view the original posts on their respective journal entries on the links I've provided in the author's note.

Present day comments are in [bold]. Enjoy!!



One day Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu were walking down the path to another town. But which one?

"Hey guys! Where are we going anyway?" Brock asked.

"Where ever the road should take us!" Ash repiled. [i.e. the author was too lazy to make a destination up.]


Alittle way down the road, Team Rocket was cooking up a new scheme. [Hopefully it isn't Jessie doing the cooking. Since we already learned from the last story, Jessie's tofu makes you full just by looking at it. I can't tell if that's good or bad yet.]

"Is everything ready on stage?" Jessie called. [Oh. A bit more elaborate this time, are we?]

"Yep! Hey Jess, what is this box supposed to do anyway?" Meowth said to Jessie. [I'm betting it's yet another weapon/plot device that they can't be bothered with finding out what it does before they use it on Team Twerps. I wonder if this is going to become a pattern in my stories?]

"How am I supposed to know. I just found it in a dump. [A magical dump.] It is a prop for our magic act. We will get that Pikachu if it is the last thing we do!" Jessie said proudly.


Ash stopped amazed to see a magican at the side of the road. [Okay... I'll give him that. It is a bit strange. But with as often as Team Rocket attacks, you'd think this boy would be a bit more suspicious of random strangers.]

"Hey guys. I think we came just in time for the magic show." Ash yelled to Misty and Brock. [You know, the one that they were performing for all the many people standing on... the side of... the road. And they aren't even remotely suspicious of this?!] Pikachu jumped off of Ash's sholder and started running beside him. "Hey don't start the show without us!" Ash yelled. [Yeah because they have such a packed audience already...]


"The twirps are coming. And right on time too!" Jessie said finishing the final touches to her costume. Jessie had a fake mustase and beard and a turban on her head. [But apparently she was still wearing her rocket uniform...] James was dressed up like a show girl [Um...] and Meowth was hiding in the bushes [I guess he refused to wear the playboy bunny outfit].


"Wow, do you guys really do magic?" Ash said to the twosome.

"Best in the business." Jessie said in a low, deep man voice, "For our first trick, we need your Pikachu."

"What do you need Pikachu for?" Ash questioned. [They want to saw it in half.]

"Uhh, we need him to get into this box so we can do our trick." James said in a high, sqeaky voice.

"Oh, is that all? [Insert Face Palm.] Pikachu your up." Ash said.

But Pikachu refused to go. [His pika-senses were going off.]

"Oh, I forgot Pikachu hates dark and cramped spaces. Maybe I should go with you." [That sounds disturbingly close to an excuse a teenaged boy would give parental supervision so that he could go into the other room and make out with his girlfriend.]

"Pikachu." Pikachu agreed. [O_o]

But Team Rocket wasn't too thrilled.

"This will ruin the plan." Jessie wispered to James.

"Don't worry it will work out." James wispered back.

"Climb into the box and behold the magic." Jessie said shutting the door behind Ash and Pikachu. [For some reason, I just imagined them jumping into a cardboard box... a magical cardboard box.]

"Allcazama, Allacazoo." Jessie chanted. There was a big bam and a cloud of smoke. [Oh my god! Jessie's a wizard! Seriously... I don't think I ever explained why the box did that. Maybe she is?]

"Ahh, what is happening Pikachu?" Ash yelled as the Box swayed back and forth.

"Good special affects Meowth." Jessie wispered to Meowth.

"I didn't do that." Meowth muttered under his breath.

[Next time, Ash and Pikachu just realize that the swaying was only caused by Wobbuffet who for some reason wanted to join them.  I've got nothing else. O_o]



"That was good!" Misty and Brock clapped.

"There is more!" Jessie said pulling off her costume.

Prepare for trouble!
Make it double!
To protect the world from destaion.
To unite all people within our...

"Where is Ash?" Misty yelled interuping them. [I probably didn't want to have to spell denounce again.]

"How dare you interup us!" Jessie yelled. [Yeah! And how dare you interrupt them too!]

"Where is Ash, and Pikachu?" Misty repeated. [Probably still in the box behind Team Rocket. Or did the box disappear? I'm not sure. It's kinda vague... Or they are in the FUTURE!!! as the title kinda sorta suggests.]

"We will gladly give him back, but Pikachu is ours. [Kids don't sell as well on the pokemon black market.] Is it a deal?" James said coldly.

"Deal! Just give us Ash!" Brock yelled. [Wow, Brock. Dick move.]

"Ok, Meowth open the trap door!" Jessie comanded.

Meowth cam over and switched the switch. [I assume that he also leveled the lever.] James, Jessie, Brock, Misty, and Meowth looked into the darkness below.

"There is nothing there! Where is Ash and Pikachu?" Misty yelled angrely.

Team Rocket just stood there shocked. [Instead of taking this marvelous opportunity to push the other pokemon trainers through the trap hole and stealing the rest of their pokemon...] Where did they go? They thought. [MAGICAL CARDBOARD BOX IS MAGICAL!!!!]


"HELP!" Ash screamed as the box tipped upside down. [In the future, no one can hear you scream.]

"PIKACHU!" Pikachu screamed. [Except for Pikachu. Pikachu can hear you, I guess.]

The box fell with a thud.

"Where are we?" Ash wispered. Ash slowly opened the [magical] box door. Light poured in blinding Ash and Pikachu. Ash climbed out of the box squinting. He looked around tring to figure out where he was. "Pikachu everything looks the same just older." [Insert Face Palm] Ash wispered.

He bent down and picked up Pikachu out of the [magical] box.

'Everyone is gone!' Ash said. There was the stage, they were on, and Ash's backpack. [Brock and Misty left it there just in case... you know, in case he decided to come back for it.]

"Well, I'm alittle hungry, aren't you pikachu?" Ash said opening his bag. "AHH, everything is gone!" [Or maybe they just decided to dump the bag there, after taking everything of value out of it.] Ash said looking into his emtey backpack.

Ash heard some rushlng in the trees when a [NINJA!??!?!] boy [damn.], who looked about Ash's age, tumbled off a tree branch and fell in a pile of leaves near by.

"Are you ok?" Ash said pulling the strange looking boy to his feet. [Ash is completely unfazed by the boy falling from the treetops. People frequently fall from the sky back in Pallet town...] "Why were you spying on us?" Ash asked him. [Because he's a NINJA!!]

The boy didn't answer just stared. The boy was wearing a weird silver outfit. [Because everyone in the future wears silver spandex!] And to Ash's suprise almost looked like he was from the future. [Insert Double Face Palm.]

Finally the boy spoke, "My name is Bryan Smith, and I couldn't help but spy on you. You look so weird." [You mean Edward Cullen?]

Bryan was extremly interested in Pikachu. Ash could tell by the way he looked at it. [I imagine he's standing uncomfortably close, smiling and licking his lips.]

"What is that?" Byran asked. [Can I eat it?]

"It is my poke'mon, Pikachu." Ash answered.

"I have never see a poke'mon like that in a long time." [He's never seen a pikachu like that since like five years ago.] Bryan said.

"When was the last time you saw a Pikachu?" Ash questioned.

"I didn't. I read about it in a book." Bryan said still looking at the Pikachu. [With Ash no longer around to foil their plans, Team Rocket sadly drove the species into extinction.]

"You look hungry. May I get you guys some food?" [IT'S A TRAP!!!!!11]

"Sure! I mean, I hope we won't be any trouble." Ash said.

"Not at all. [I imagine he said this with a crooked smile.] Beside it is starting to get dark. My cabin is not far from here." Bryan said walking into the woods.

[The next morning, before Ash wakes, Bryan tells Pikachu that he wants to show him something. He takes Pikachu deep into the woods until they reach a beautiful meadow. Then Bryan strips in the sunlight, sparkles and tells Pikachu that he's "Dangerous. Stay away." They then spend the rest of the morning in the meadow, staring at each other.]

Here come the mumbly lyrics! Mumble mumble twilight mumble yeah!



Ash followed Bryan with Pikachu on his shoulder. When they arrived at Bryan's cabin they were starving. Bryan gave them some soup with bread [apparently out of thin air]. Pikachu and Ash ate it up in a flash. After dinner, Bryan to ask a few questions [I think the underline is supposed to act a counter to that statement].

"What is your name anyway? Where are you from? How did you get here?" Bryan asked quickly. [Well, in his defense it really was only three questions.]

"Slow down. I can't answer all the questions at once! [Why not? What good are you then?] Well, let's see, [He has to think about it first] My name is Ash Katchem [Epic misspell!] from Pallet town. I'm a poke'mon trainer, and I don't really know how I got here. [Wow, he answered them all in order too] I hope you can help me find my friends." Ash said eagrely.

"I know where Pallet town is. [Insert Sparkly Vampire Here.] It is right down that road you were on. [So apparently the road was taking them back to Pallet. Why didn't they know that?] I can take you in the morning." Bryan answered, "You can sleep by the fire [I'm too flammable, after all]."

"Thank you, but me and Pikachu don't have our sleeping bags. [You're in a freakin' cabin. Forget the fire, go sleep in a bed or is it not one of those cabins?] All my stuff is gone. [I think my ex-friends took all of it.] Same with Pikachu's stuff [you know his iphone, PSP... and other pikachuish stuff]." Ash said a bit sad.

"Don't worry I have extra sleeping bags in the closet by the door [You know in case any food- i mean guests came along]. I don't have any pikachu's size thought." Bryan said going to the bedroom. [Don't help your guests get settled or anything, Bryan. You're a terrible host!]

"PIkachu and I can share a bag." Ash yawned. "Goodnight." [In all seriousness though, I'm surprised that Bryan trusts Ash enough that he goes off to bed leaving a stranger alone in the main room in his cabin. Ash could rob him blind if Ash wanted to. Bryan's just lucky he didn't invite Team Rocket into his house.]


The Next day was stormy and cloudly all day [if it's stormy I assume it'd also be cloudy... or cloudly as it were]. Ash woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Ash walked over to the table where Pikachu was gobbling down some bread and milk [he was gobbling down the milk? That pikachu has serious skills]. Bryan was cooking eggs on the stove.

"Your finally up! I was wondering if you would ever way up. Here is your breakfast." Bryan said.

"Thank you." Ash said shoveling food into his mouth [right off the skillet? Ouch].

"Oh, when you are done with that can you please get into some better clothing. [Everything non-spandex is banned in the future.] You can wear some of my clothes. The last thing we need is you to do is atract atention [I guess they've all already come to terms with Ash being a time traveler... and the cardboard box being magical]." Byran said picking out one of his outfits.

"I have to wear those things?" Ash said looking at the outfit that was handed to him.

"Ya, I don't think alot of people wear those any more." Bryan said pointing to Ash's hat. [Accessories for the head are so last century, man.]

"No way, am I parting with this." Ash said clutching his hat.

"Come on. We better leave now if we want to reach Pallet before the storm hits [I thought it was already... hitting]." Byran said opening the door.


Ash felt weird walking into Pallet town all dressed up like this. Bryan and Ash parted when they reached Pallet [Bryan doesn't want to get involved with the plot. Vampires are severely allergic to anything plot related]. Pikachu was as nervous as Ash was [is pikachu wearing a spandex outfit too? Lawls].

"Hey look, it is a Poke'mon center. Maybe we can get a map or something." [Okay so Pallet looks so different that he needs a map... but he doesn't think that he may have possibly been led to the wrong town?] Ash called to Pikachu.

"Pikachu, Pika, Pika!" Pikachu said following him.

[Bryan returns to his cabin to find that Ash and Pikachu did in fact rob him blind. So upset about their betrayal, Pikachu's in particular, he runs off to sparkle all over Italy. Meanwhile, future Team Rocket, having fled the country when anything non-spandex was outlawed, have returned to Pallet Town... their twerp-senses tingling. Stay tuned!]



Misty sat nevously at the conter. Taking over is a big job. I hope noone has a emerancy. [I don't know what would happen if someone came in with a papercut!] I can't take this presure. Misty thought to her self. [I sure hope no MiA childhood friend comes in and startles me! Cause I soooo can't take that today.] A young boy came in with a small pikachu behind him. The boy looked to be about 10 years. But strangely enough he seemed fimliar. [Uh oh. This doesn't look good for Misty]

"Can you help me." the boy asked. "I seem to be lost."

"What is you name?" Misty asked in her most 30 year old voice. [Insert Face Palm. Yes because 30 year olds have specific voices they use.]

"Ash Katchem from Pallet town expet I seem to be lost here." The boy studdered.

Misty felt the world spin. [Here, just let me get out my 30 year old voice again...] Ash, but he is dead. Misty thought. [We buried him and everything... or wait, was that Brock?]


"Are you ok miss? Ash said, "You look like you've seen a ghost." [Wow. Real subtle.]

The girl tried to say something but instead fainted. [She couldn't take the pressure! The boy being lost was just too much for her! That or her 30 year old voice got caught on something.]

"Was it something I said?" Ash asked Pikachu.

"Pika?" Pikachu answered. [Yes.]


Misty woke to the sound of nurses all around here.

"I'm ok. I am fine." She said to them then shoed them away. [I imagined these nurses to be like the creepy mini Ponyos in Ponyo. They all have Misty's face and dots for eyes. Oh and they also eat unborn souls.]

"Are you ok miss?" Ash repeted.

"You can't be Ash! He has been dead for over 20 years!" Misty screamed. [That cardboard box was lethal!]

"Pika, chu, Pika." Pikachu tried to calm her down. But that just made her worse.

"Ash's Pikachu died too!" She screamed. [At Misty's thoughtless shout, Pikachu went into a corner and wept quietly to himself for hours.]

"I don't feel dead." Ash proved to her. [But if it makes you feel better, I don't feel alive either.]

"You don't look a year older than when you disappeared!" Misty said a bit softer.


After Pikachu and Ash manged to calm her down, the could ask her a few questions.

"How do you know all this stuff?" Ash asked.

"Because I am Misty!" Misty wispered.

Ash felt like he was going to faint, but he didn't. [Thank god. We don't want to call back those soul eating nurses. They are attracted to inexplicably swooning protagonists after all. Bella they are coming for you.] "How can you be Misty? Your too old!" Ash said quietly. [Wow, Ash. You really weren't here for the last half of the conversation were you?]

"Well, if you were really Ash you would have to be at least 30 years old now. You don't look like a 30 year old to me." Misty said a bit angry. [Your voice doesn't even sound remotely 30 years old.]

"Cause I'm not, I'm 10 years old!" Ash yelled at her, "You may be older but you are the same old Misty!"

"I'll take that as a complment." Misty said stubbornly.

"If your Misty what are you doing here?" Ash questioned.

"Me and Brock got really upset when Team Rocket put you and Pikachu in that box..." Misty trailed off. [Wow... that sentence. There are no words.]

"Team Rocket! You mean the Magicans." Ash interupted her. [Insert Double Face Palm]

"No. Team Rocket. They were dressed up. You know what is funny? They didn't know what happened to you, two!" Misty gigled. [Hm. That's actually not that funny.]

"What is so funny? I don't know even what happened to me and Pikachu!" Ash yelled. [What? You don't get it? You're stuck twenty years in the future and the only people who might have known how to get you back to your time didn't even know what happened to you? What's not to laugh at? It's freakin' hilarious.] Ash wasn't happy that she was amused at a serious problem. If Pikachu and Ash were in the Future how were they to get back?

[Next time, Ash and Misty go off to find Team Rocket. They go through many perilous tasks including fighting back soul sucking mini ponyo nurses, Bryan the sparkling vampire and Brock the mildly confused zombie. Misty's 30 year old voice was detrimental in defeating these foes. When they finally reached Team Rocket, both Jessie and James were completely ignorant that they had unwittingly sent Ash through time. Misty breaks the succeeding awkward silence by giggling, "And we came all this way for nothing. Isn't that amusing? Well, you can always become my assistant, Ash!" Pikachu wasn't witness to any of this, still trying to recover from Misty's jab at his mortality. He spent all night in the bathroom crying, poor guy.]



It was a long shot. But maybe, just maybe if Ash was able to find Team Rocket he could figure how to get home. [Or maybe he could get back into that cardbox box he came out of...] First they would have to go to Profeser Oak's house. [Why?] Ash, of course, didn't know the way so Misty would have to go with him. [Apparently the future, Pallet town was hit by a freak twister that picked up all the houses and neatly rearranged them just so Ash couldn't find his way anymore.] Proffeser Oak might know a way to find Team Rocket. [I'm assuming this is because Professor Oak recently replaced Giovanni as the leader of Team Rocket. No other explanation for this course of action makes sense.]

"Ok, here is the scoop Ash. Not only Profeser Oak works here so does Brock. So that you don't freak them out like you did to me, [Your lack of a 30 year old voice would totally freak them out.] I want you and Pikachu to stay here by the door. Got it?" Misty explained.

"Sure, but can I get out of this stupid outfit and back into my old clothes?" Ash asked. ["These silver spandex really chafe."]

"I don't see why not. [Let me utterly defeat that point that Bryan made earlier about you sticking out like a sore thumb in your normal clothes....]" Misty answered. "But you and Pikachu stay here untill I call you."


Misty was a bit nevous. She hadn't even seen Brock in a while was afierd [Epic spelling fail.] that If she told him this she may never see him again. [Yes, Brock doesn't faint. He dies of shock. He just explodes like Starchy the Gravedigger.]

"I must be calm." Misty wispered to herself. ["I must not snag my 30 year old voice on anything..." Okay I'll stop.] Misty walked slowly in. "Hello, anyone home?" Misty called.

"Oh, hello Misty. I haven't see you in a while." Brock said kindly.

"Enough chit chat! I have a emerancy. I need to speak to you and the Proffer NOW!" Misty said. [Wow. So much for being calm and not freaking the Professor and Brock out...]

"Oh, here I am Misty." Proffer Oak said walking over to them, "I was just giving out lunch to all the water pokemon."

"I found Ash." Misty said quietly.

"WHAT?" Brock and Proffeser Oak yelled. [Brock promptly explodes.]

"I found Ash Katchem and Pikachu! They weren't dead after all. But what is weird is that he is still ten years old. He is outside with Pikachu right now."

"Nice joke." Brock laughed. [Oh. Guess not.]

"Ash! Pikachu!" Misty called.


"That us, pikachu." Ash said walking in. [Pikachu quickly glances up to Ash's hat, and nods- satisfied.] When they were inside Brock paced around Ash making Ash dizzy. [Little too eager there, Brock.]

"It is clear that you just dressed this young boy up like Ash and got him a haircut and then gave him a Pikachu." Brock said convensed. [Misty must have dressed up alot random strangers in her free time after Ash disappeared. "HERE! I FOUND ASH!" "No Misty. This is sick and wrong and needs to stop. Now put Tracey back where you found him."]

"What do you mean "young boy"?" Ash yelled. ["I'M CLEARLY A HAMSTER!"]

"Well he certainly sounds like Ash." Proffer Oak smiled.

"Let us try his poke'dex. You do have one "Ash" don't you?" Brock smiled slyly.

"Ya, here." Ash handed him his poke'dex.

"Misty you think of everything." Brock said pointing the poke'dex at Ash.


"Wow, you even ridded the Poke'dex, Misty." Brock laughed.

"I don't think so Brock. This boy and his Poke'mon are what they say they are. No one can rig a Poke'dex, not even me!" Proffesser Oak said a little shaky. ["And I invented the damn thing. Figure that one out."]

"I know something only Ash would rember. Why was I following you for?" Misty said sure he would get this wrong.

"Oh please. I said when I get the money, I will buy you a new bike! Why do you always bring that up?" Ash said stubbornly.

"That is correct. That settles it, that is Ash Katchem and his Pikachu... YOU STILL OWN ME THAT BIKE!" Misty shouted.

"Why doesn't she forget it?" Ash asked himself. [Because that episode hasn't been written yet.]

"Pika?" Pikachu answered. ["I'm just here for the nachos."]


"O.K, If I can get it a little clearier, there. Ash, here is a map of Pallet town. Just touch a part of the map and it becomes largrer. Watch." Proffeser Oak said pressing on to a black dot on the map. To Ash's surprise the house looked mighty faimliar.

"Who's house is that?" Ash asked.

Pikachu seemed to want to know too.

"Why it [Crazy old emo goth... Trust me, emo and goth come to pass.] Wido Katchem..... your Mom [Oh yeah. Forgot about her. Hope she doesn't still mean something to you.]!" Proffeser Oak said surprised.

[Next time on Back to the Future, Ash travels to his mother's house. Which is inexplicably painted black. After verbally harassing him, Delia eventually realizes her son is indeed alive and snaps back into her old self. Later, TR try to sell Ash on the black market. And after a few near death experiences, Ash finally returns to his time in a modified cardboard box... I wish I were kidding this time.]



"My Mom? [I have a mom?]" Ash said. Ash rembered her house always so cheerful with sweet smelling flowers out-lining the house. But [this] looked nothing like it. Ash touched the screen. The Image of the house got bigger. Ash was so suprised, the house was painted black and instead a lively flowers and a beautiful apple tree there was only a stump and weeds. [When Delia goes emo. She goes hardcore.]

"Is there anyway I can see inside?" Ash said slowly.

"I'm afraid not. [Not unless you go into pervert cam mode. Ahem, not that I have that installed or anything.] You can go there yourself." Professer said tring to get him to see his problem. [I imagine he did so by wiggling his eyebrows, elbowing Ash in the side, and going "eh eh?"] If he goes there Team Rocket might not be in town when he gets back [for some weird reason].

"Family comes first. I would rather stay here for the rest of my life then know my mom is like this." Ash said. [Or you know you could go back in time and prevent it from ever happening... Just a thought.]


Ash walked down the road alone. [Oh yes. Just go give your clinically insane mother a heart attack by showing up at her doorstep unaged after twenty or so years. That can't possibly be a bad plan.] Everyone else would look for Team Rocket and at least let Pikachu go back. [Yeah notice how Pikachu isn't off seeking out relatives when it will be all null void if he goes back? Ash, your stupidity reaches new heights in this story. Sorry. My bad.] Ash reached the house and climbed over the broken down feneh. When he reached the door he couldn't move another inch. [Invisible trap?!] What If she won't reconise me? Ash wondered, then what would I do. Ash forsed his hand to knock. No-one answered. Ash pushed open the door. The door made a squel of pain when it opened. [Apparently doors are sentient creatures in the future.]

"Hello. Anyone home?" Ash called. [Insert Admiral Ackbar. It's a trap!!!1]

"Go away. I don't like vistors." A faded voice answered.

"I thought you loved guests. Did you change because of me?" Ash said tenderly. ["Or Brock? Cause I'll go kill him for you if it will make you feel better."]

"Look I don't know who you are but I am in moring [even though it's afternoon] and if you don't go away now I will call the Police." the woman's voice said.

Ash followed the voice into his bedroom. Their he saw a woman at about 50 years in age [Wonder if she has a 30 year old voice? Yeah I know. I said I would stop. I lied.] sitting apon his bed. She was looking out the window and didn't even notice him come in.

"Wow, you really took care of my room." Ash said. [Ash. Still the supreme master of subtly.] The room looked just like when he left it.

"Excuse me, but don't you know what go away means... [She's awfully polite to someone who just broke into her house.] Ash?" The woman said turning around. She dropped the book she was holding and hundreds of pictures fell out. Ash bent down to pick them up and couldn't help but look at them. [While Ash is leisurely looking through the photos, Delia has gone into shock-- collapsed on the floor foaming at the mouth.] One was Ash's 5th birthday, another was Ash when he first got Pikachu.

"These are all pictures of me!" Ash said suprised. ["I thought for sure you'd have a photo album of... iunno, puppies or something normal like that."]

"Ash is that really you?" Ash's mother said stareing up at him.

"Last time I cheaked." Ash said alittle shaky. [Ho ho. Witty... Insert Sarcastic Face.]

"But so young!" Ash's mom said in disbelif.

"I'm the same way everyone last saw me, mom. Me and Pikachu must have gone through time. [At least I'm pretty sure now what with the older trees, and the Misty with the 30 year old voice.]" Ash said tring to explain.

"What do you mean everyone?" Ash's Mom asked. [Great transition there. Totally didn't see it leading up to a divider.]


"And that is how it all happeaned." Ash said finishing his story to his mom. [Sure glad that happened off screen or else we might have wasted paper space.]

"Then what are we doing here for? We need to get out of the future and back to the Past!" Mom said cheerfully. ["Uh. Mom. You aren't coming with me... you know that right?"] "I will get the car ready, and I will drive you there." ["Mom... Are you listening to me?"]

"Can I stay here for a momment longer. I have missed my bed." Ash said laying back. [Wow. Ash has a serious case of unstraightened priorities.]

"Sure but hurry up. [We've got to catch up with the plot. I hear a vampire holds it hostage!]"


"Ahh..." Ash said breathing in the quiet, comfy, smell of his room. [Ash. Master of wasting paper space.] Ash then heard what sounded like yelling coming outside his window. Ash walked over to his window. What he saw amased him so much he ran down the stairs and out the back door. [They don't have to look for the plot after all! It came to them! Go figure!]


There in Ash's backyard Team Rocket stood. They were trying to break into the house. [Painted black houses always hold high priced valuables, or at least expensive hot topic merchandise.] Picture the look of their on their faces when Ash opened the door they were trying to break into from the inside.[Because I'm much too lazy to describe it myself.]

"Hello, Team Rocket." Ash smiled.

Of course they didn't reconise him. [It's less fun that way, I suppose.] "We have no idea who you are but I intend to sew that mouth of yours shut." Jessie said coldly. [That would hurt.] "It is time to..."

"Prepare for trouble, make it double." Ash gigled. "To protect the world from devstain. To unite all people with our nation. To anouse the evils of truth and love, to extend out reach to the stars above, Jessie, James, Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light, surrener now or prepare to fight, Meowth that's right." ["James! Fetch me my sewing kit!"]

"Look boy you are really starting to tick me off!" Jessie yelled.

"Who are you?" James asked.

"Rember a little boy of 10 years who always destroys your plans. Well, It looks like he struck again." Ash smiled.

[Insert Woody Rape Face.]

"AAAHHHH!!!" Team Rocket screamed.

[Next time on BttF, Ash decides to go visit some more people he hasn't seen since he disappeared including Tracey, Duplica, and his Uncle Jerry. He's a little disappointed that all their lives went on smoothly after his supposed death. While he's gone, Pikachu and the rest of the gang find Bryan- who's holed himself up in the house with the cardboard box hostage. He offers a trade... Pikachu for the cardboard box... WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN NEXT? STAY TUNED!]

To Be Continued in Part 2...

((If you know the name of the artist, please tell me so I can give proper credit. I found this art on a foreign website many years ago and could find no name.))

This is a old fanfic that I wrote back in middle school. Both the fanfic and the commentary was written by me. I'm not picking on anyone but myself, I swear.

Only I could write crap this awesome. =P

Part 2 Found Here: [link]

Original Journal Entry Links:

Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Part 4: [link]
Part 5: [link]
Part 6: [link]
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pkmnMasterWheeler's avatar
Funniest thing I've read in years.